Growth Mindset Group for 6-8 years old
Beverly Hills Child and Family Counseling invites you to join!
Get a better grasp of the lifeskill lessons while having fun.
6 Weeks of Virtual Group
Every Tuesday
For 6-8 years old
– Our lessons are tailor-made for fun learning led by licensed therapists.
Price: $240
Facilitated by Wendy Lang, LMFT
Wendy Lang, LMFT is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and the founder and director of Beverly Hills Child and Family Counseling in Southern California. She has over 20 years of experience working with children and families with ADHD, social and emotional issues. She specializes in working with gifted and twice-exceptional children, teens, and young adults. Her clinic offers several ongoing Social-Emotional learning groups for gifted across different life span and support group for parents.